Technology as the enabler of healthcare transformation: the starting point of Healthcare Enablers.


With Healthcare Enablers we provide an overview of the most important technological developments in healthcare, we showcase domestic and foreign technological healthcare innovations in a structured database, and share tips and tricks for strengthening the innovative capacity of your organization. Healthcare administrators, supervisors, healthcare professionals, innovators in healthcare and other experienced ánd inexperienced healthcare innovators visit us in their search for inspiration and tips for successful healthcare innovation.


“Healthcare Enablers is a wonderful initiative that has provided a structured overview of the wide range of new healthcare technologies for many years. Not only does it provide an overview of healthcare technology, but also shows how we can work together to make sure that healthcare technology becomes an essential part of our healthcare system.”

Prof. drs. Marlies Schijven – Chief Medical Information Officer at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Professor of Surgery with a specialization in Serious Gaming & mHealth and programme manager e-health programme Citroenfonds

“The primary hazard of technology shows when focus is placed on the technology, instead of the problems to be solved and the value to be delivered. Healthcare Enablers supports the build up of a new ecosystem in which technology can be used for a seamless, frictionless care and health, adding value to evolving workflows. ”

Dr. Randall Moore, MD MBA – Dr. Randell Moore, MD MBA – Former president of Mercy Virtual Care Centre, one of the five biggest virtual hospitals in the United States of America