Which contribute to future-proof healthcare
Technology as the enabler of healthcare transformation: the starting point of Healthcare Enablers.
With Healthcare Enablers we provide an overview of the most important technological developments in healthcare, we showcase domestic and foreign technological healthcare innovations in a structured database, and share tips and tricks for strengthening the innovative capacity of your organization. Healthcare administrators, supervisors, healthcare professionals, innovators in healthcare and other experienced ánd inexperienced healthcare innovators visit us in their search for inspiration and tips for successful healthcare innovation.
“We are facing a big task in healthcare transformation. There are already a lot of terrific examples from successful technological healthcare innovations which could be an enabler for healthcare transformation. Instead of re-inventing the wheel over and over again, we could better focus on scaling up and perpetuating proven healthcare technology. It requires perseverance in the belief that healthcare innovation can be realised by implementation and scaling up successful innovations. This way, we shift the emphasis from analysing (#butwhat?) and tabling (#buthow?) to innovating (#likethat!). An important aspect of this emphasis is to create accessible insight in knowledge.”
“To ensure accessibility, affordability and quality of healthcare, the use of smart, scalable technology is essential. Technology is only one ingredient for successful innovation: it is 10% of the process. After all, implementing new technology in an ‘old’ organisation, creates a really expensive ‘old’ organisation. Many organisations are restarting their strategy and commitment to digital care in the wake of the Corona outbreak. Frequently I share the knowledge and experience gained from Healthcare Enablers with organisations within and around healthcare to further accelerate the digital transformation.”
“The question is which technology will change the care from today and tomorrow. The offer of new technology is overwhelming and the options are numerous. However, eHealth only can be successful if it is fully integrated throughout regular healthcare. To achieve this, it is necessary to know which digital healthcare applications works and which do not. Together we can provide insight in evidence based technological possibilities which can enhance healthcare. With the Healthcare Enablers platform, we as NeLL are even more capable to provide eHealth solutions to the healthcare sector that are proven in practice.”